I received an email from John Blanchard earlier this week.
For those of you who don't know him he has a worldwide evangelistic ministry and perhaps his most famous book is entitled 'Ultimate Questions'. This has sold over 14 million copies worldwide in many different languages.
Apparently he was evacuated to Islay, from Guernsey during the war and has very fond memories of that time. He is back here next June and he emailed me introducing himself and asking if 'there is any way I can serve you' whilst I am on Islay.
I found this expression striking, to say the least. Here is a man with a worldwide ministry asking if he can serve the ministry here, when you might expect him to perhaps suggest that whilst he's here 'he could teach me a few things, or help things along a bit...'
There is no doubt that ministers need support and I have a great deal of support here on Islay. It is no exaggeration to say that without that support the church just would not function. The support offered reflects, for the most part, the teaching in Romans 12 where we are told, for example, 'not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought' and to use our gifts for the benefit of the 'body of Christ'. In other words its all about Christian team work and ministry.
When you see a church working in this way it is a great witness to all that is great about being a Christian, but sadly not all 'ministerial support' is like this. There are those that work within the church to different agenda's, pledging support for the ministry but actually doing something else..... namely working for their own glory or self importance. They like to be seen and they enjoy the praises offered for the 'support'. They are quick to criticise. Such individuals and groups can be very damaging even though at first sight they may appear solid and faithful workers for the gospel.
The video below has long been known to us and when we first saw it some years ago we just laughed at it, but now we look at it with new eyes, eyes that know what ministerial support should look like. So, to all of our Romans 12 friends and co-workers with Christ.
Thank you :)