Sunday, 6 June 2010


We are off sailing for a couple of weeks starting on Wednesday. See photos below from last summer at Fingal's cave and the Skerries. Isn't God's creation magnificent! O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!  (Psalm 8:1) We pray that you will have a blessed time while we are away and pray for Angus as he leads worship at both churches for both Sundays. We look forward to seeing you all on our return :)

Family Service at St John's

Today we celebrated Pentecost and the birth of the church at the monthly family service at St John's. For some of us this will be the 3rd time that we've celebrated Pentecost this year but so what...! Being God's church, being the body of Christ is something to celebrate!! Rob spoke about the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness and Gentleness and Self-Control, and about how these are fruits that are "always in season". Many thanks to Eilidh and Anna for reading so well from God's Word. Happy Birthday!