Weddings, weddings, weddings... what an amazing first year of weddings! Here are just a few pics of the weddings... at St.Johns, at the Roundchurch, in the Gaelic College and on the Beach! I already have bookings for 2012...
At the first one I forgot to get the witnesses to sign the schedule... and at the last one we had one of the ushers sign by accident... ah well, it was all OK in the end..
The really wonderful thing for me is that all these couples wanted a 'Christian' Wedding, they wanted God involved. Some out of a deep faith conviction, some I suspect out of a realisation that we need all the help we can get in the love stakes, but as best I could judge all were moved by what they were doing. Quite right too because a Christian wedding is all about giving, it is not about taking. So much of our modern literature and media encourages us to take what we can get, or look for the person that can fulfill us. "It's all about me". Yet to offer oneself to another in holy matrimony is not all about "me", it's all about love and what I can give. Oh certainly this is one risky venture and the reality is that some will probably fall short of the mark, but to at least point yourself in the direction of the mountain top is surely better than staying down on the plains?
The reality for me is that the weddings have been a privilege and a highlight of ministry here. I hope to be able to keep in contact with the couples as they go forward, and I hope to marry many more in due course. :)