One of the old songs that we still use a lot with young people is 'This little light of mine'. The words are great and the congregations know it, so it is very well accepted (even if the music is a bit dull for the kids these days!). So, imagine my delight when I was introduced to this 'modern' version.....
There is a lot of good material in those lyrics and I will certainly let kids know about this band (LZ7). One young woman I have in mind is an 11 year old who came up to me recently and asked 'Mr Barlow, I want to become a Christian... is that OK?'.
We have been praying a lot for our young people on the island and you can imagine that I was more than a little encouraged since this young woman is known through our school work, and not from church. I have met her mum and we are planning to take some time preparing for a forthcoming baptism. Please pray for her and her friends (and me as we continue on our journey of reaching out to our young people and their parents).
Oh, and do 'let your little light shine too', and help change a generation :)